The Crescent Nebula
 Exposure time - 5.9 Hours (20 x  Ha, 98 x Oiii)
Exposure Length - 3 Minutes at Unity Gain (G139, O21)
Scope - Skywatcher 200PDS
Camera - ZWO ASI1600MM Pro
Baader Narrowband Filters
April and July 2019

This image was taken during the height of summer, so the sun was only just below the horizon. This lead to very short nights, and a lack of darkness. Due to this, the oiii data taken in July was lacking in contrast and signal. This made processing the data difficult. With only 1 hour of ha, the background was full of noise, so it was blurred to make it less obvious. The oiii data was weak, so it was stretched and the luminance filter in camera raw was used.
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