California Nebula in HaRGB - 9h Total Exposure

May 2019 Reprocess

Andromeda Galaxy - 4h Total exposure

Bubble Nebula - 7h 48m Total Exposure

The Double Cluster - 1h Total Exposure

The Needle Galaxy - 57m Total Exposure

The Heart nebula in RGB - 2h 25m Total Exposure

The Veil Nebula in Bicolour - 6h Exposure

The Leo Triplet - 2h 36m Exposure

The Cygnus Wall in Ha - 2h 25m Exposure

The Pacman Nebula in RGB - 2h 36m Total Exposure

The Horsehead Nebula in RGB - 4h 55m Total Exposure

The Horsehead Nebula in RGB - 4h 55m Total Exposure - July 2019 Reprocess to show more of the fainter dust, which is very difficult to capture in Light Pollution

The Cygnus Wall in RGB - 1h 46m Total Exposure - Unguided

The Crescent Nebula in HaRGB - 6h Total Exposure

The Galaxy M81 - 4h Total Exposure