All Images were created on a canon 1200D Astro-modded Camera
The Galaxy M81 - 4h Total Exposure
Current Project - The Rosette Nebula in HaRGB
The Bubble Nebula in RGB - 2h 18m Total Exposure
The Pleiades in RGB - 2h 48m Total Exposure
M106 Galaxy - 6h 40m Total Exposure
M52 - 2h 18m Total Exposure
The Eagle Nebula in HaRGB - 1h Total Exposure
The Moon, Saturated to show its colours
The Orion Nebula in HaRGB - 3h Total Exposure - Shortlisted in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year Competition 2018
The Winter Night Sky - 5 Image Panorama - 5 x 20s
The moon on a cloudy night - 20s Total Exposure
The Wizard Nebula in RGB - 2h 45m Total Exposure
The Omega Nebula in HaRGB - 1h 31m Total Exposure
The Flaming Star Nebula in HaRGB - Only got Ha so far (1h 45m)
Sadr/Butterfly Nebula in HaRGB - Only got ha so far, and i'm looking to complete this around May time.