The Heart Nebula in SHO - 4.5 Hours worth of exposure through narrowband filters, My first SHO Image!

Preview - The Flaming Star Nebula in HaRGB, only 30m lrgb, and 30m Ha data. This is an image I will build upon in the winter.

The Veil Nebula in HOORGB - A short project, but shows some of the fainter dust.

The California Nebula - 9h total Exposure (G75, O15, Exp 1m, f/4.9, Astronomik DS RGB) - 6 pane mosaic

M82 in HaRGB - about 11h exposure out of a planned 25h. Work in Progress

M82 in Ha - 6h 27m Total Exposure Time (G 139, O 21, Ex 3m, f/5, Baader 7nm Ha)

M82 in Ha - Progression gif

The Flaming Star and Tadpoles nebulas - 5h 20m total Exposure Time (G75, O15, Exp 1m, f/4.9, Astronomik DS RGB, Baader L)

The Flaming Star and Tadpoles nebulas in HaRGB - 7h 26m total Exposure Time (G75, O15, Exp 1m, f/4.9, Astronomik DS RGB, Baader L + Ha)

The Heart Nebula in HOO. The same data as the SHO image, but just in a different colour palette

M45 - 2h 30m total Exposure Time (G75, O15, Exp 1m, f/4.9, Astronomik DS RGB, Baader L)

The Butterfly Nebula - 1h 25m total Exposure Time (G139, O21, Exp 5m, f/4.9, Baader 7nm Ha)

The Crescent Nebula in HOO - (G 139, O 21, Ex 3m, f/5, Baader 7nm Ha + Oii)

The Bubble Nebula in HOO - Took some time to process, but still not entirely satisfied with the result.

The Bubble Nebula - 4h 45m total Exposure Time (G75, O15, Exp 5m

The Pelican Nebula in Ha - 42m Exposure - (G 139, O 21, Ex 3m, f/5, Baader 7nm Ha)

M82 Lum - about 30m Total Exposure Time (G 0, O 50, Ex 45s, f/5, Baader L)

M87 Lum - about 5m Total Exposure Time (G 0, O 50, Ex 30s, f/5, Baader L)