This is a page for me to just post images that I am working on, or just experimenting with for future projects

Triangulum Galaxy Test:
63 min total exposure in 3 min subs, ISO800, F/5, Stock canon 6D with LPS-P2, Skywatcher 200PDS, 1000mm cropped
I didn't use any Calibration frames, as I accidently captured my darks and flats in .fit format, instead of .CR2. I Still think it came out great considering the data, and I plan on returning to this object with the 10" Ritchey-Cretchin and mono camera.
The Horsehead Nebula in Ha:
William Optics Star 71-ii, Skywatcher EQ6-Pro, ZWO ASI1600MM-Pro, Baader 7nm Ha Filter. F/4.9, 350mm
During the winter of 2020/2021, I captured 4h and 10m exposure on the Horsehead Region in Orion. The sky was very bright, as it was a full moon night, but even with this I can see lots of faint Ha detail. If the weather allows me to, I am going to try to recapture this region in HaRGB or HOO.

M82 HaRGB Project:
Skywatcher 200PDS, Skywatcher EQ6-Pro, ZWO ASI1600MM-Pro, Baader 7nm Ha Filter, Astronomik Deep Sky RGB Filters, F/5 cropped, 1000mm
I captured this image over two years, but I'm not too happy with the final result - The data proved to be quite noisy so will need more work. The main Ha Starburst is clearly visible, however the fainter tail does not make much of an appearance on the combined HaRGB image. Or my expectations may just be a bit high...
Im going to retry this one with the larger 10" RC under darker skies.
Crop of the East Veil Nebula:
Skywatcher 200PDS, Skywatcher EQ6R-Pro, ZWO ASI1600MM-Pro, Baader 7nm Ha Filter, F/5 cropped, 1000mm. 20m total exposure in 5 min subs
This was captured right at the end of my final needle galaxy imaging session, and it is a close up portrait of the Eastern Veil Nebula, or the Bat nebula.

The Lower Sadr Region in HSO:
William Optics Star 71-ii, Skywatcher EQ6-Pro, ZWO ASI1600MM-Pro, Baader Narrowband Filters. F/4.9, 350mm. 9h exposure in 5 min subs
I'm currently experimenting with a new SHO palate processing workflow on this section of nebulosity near the butterfly nebula, in the Sadr Region - It is a crop of my 3 pane Cygnus mosaic I am currently capturing. This is about 9h worth of exposure through Narrowband filters and my Wide Field Refractor.